Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Odd girl Out

While in elementary school, I have to admit that at one time or another, I was part of group or alliance that had made another group of girls feel like outcasts. I can say that I felt bad, but I think I would be lying. At the time, I really did not care, but now that I look back on it, I actually do feel bad for all the things we caused the other girls that we did not like to feel. I feel as if our behavior was really childish and now, it makes no sense that I and these other girls did that. We were really mean and did not consider the other girls feelings. I had many options in this situation. I could either have stopped or continued with it and I chose to end it after a while. A lot of people think that the reason behind bullying others is because of insecurity and the want to make them feel better about themselves by making others feel so low. The truth behind it all is that it is just the way that girls act. It can also happen with boys, but with girls it is more common because drama comes naturally to us. Not all girls have insecurity issues. Their reasons for being mean towards another girl might actually just be the plain fact that they dislike them. Drama happens between girls really easily nowadays just by when someone says the wrong thing. If one girl is talking about another girl and they find out about it, the drama basically takes off from there. Nobody wants to be bullied, but in some cases, girls bring them on themselves when they start with the gossiping. This makes them not likeable and that is the reason for the bullying. A bully may want to hurt their peers simply for issues that they have with another girl. It might just be the anger that has been bottles up for a long time because they will have beef with some other person. In general, bullying is bad no matter what, but it really is just the way girls react to things nowadays.

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