Friday, January 28, 2011

Rebuttal for Carly

In Carlys' opening statement  of her debate topic that she chose, which was the same as mine, Should child actors in shows marketed to younger audiences be expected to serve as role models for people their age?, Carly does have some strong points that I can not disagree with. But at the same time, her thesis or her strongest point was that the child stars should not be role models simply because it strips them of their freedom and that is something I disagree with. 
"The main and most important reason that child actors should not be required to be role models is because it would strip the actors of their freedom."
I agree with her statement that certain child stars should not be role models to younger kids, but at the same time, it has nothing to do with stripping them of their freedom. It is mostly for them knowing what is and what is not the right thing to do when they know that millions of people worldwide can be viewing them 24/7.

"Everybody has done something bad, either by accident or on purpose. Actors' mistakes and faults are magnified and the results are painful to endure when everyone turns against you. Even though Miley Cyrus has committed something inappropriate for teens her age, she should be given the opportunity to learn from her mistakes, just like others are too. Furthermore, if Miley had not learned from her mistakes and commit it multiple times over, who are we- the audience, to tell her to stop? It is true that our youngsters are influenced by her, but they are also influenced by many other kids at school."
Carly is trying to say that we should let the child stars live freely and we, as an audience are not one to judge. Personally, if I had a child, I would not want them to be viewing the disastrous lives of many of the child stars. Yes, Carly is right when she says that we should give stars such as Miley Cyrus the opportunity to learn from their mistakes and that we should give them some space. But I think that they should not have done their mistakes in the first place. It is not like the mistakes that these stars did were too small notice. No! They were a very big deal. For example, Miley Cyrus had recently released some naked pictures of herself and her character in the music industry is not one that should be an advertisement for kids half her age. Child stars turn in to some of the worst people that should supposedly be role models for our generation of kids.

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