Thursday, January 13, 2011

Response to Stan's Response!

Stan responded to my blog post about guys and girls. I liked many of the points that he made while at the same time, I had to disagree.
 Girls do need to look good at first to get the guy but then after a while guys begin to just care about the girl and not care if shes wearing make up or not. For example me: In the beginning of my relationship I kind of liked it when my girlfriend wore make-up, now I think shes more beautiful as a person with out it, she isn't hiding behind mascara and all that other powdery stuff on her face, its the real her.  
And that's why guys have the hard end of the deal.

I totally agree with Stan's first quote. He went through the same thing that me and my boyfriend somewhat went through, to say the least. Stan says that we he first started going out with his girlfriend, he wanted her to look good as in wearing makeup, but after a while, he began to see her as more beautiful when she exposes her natural beauty. Makeup and the fact that many people think that the ideal girl has to have makeup in order to look beautiful is what our culture has come down to. We as a collective group have seen that more and more woman have been persuaded to make themselves look beautiful in order to be liked, but as Stan said, it's really mostly the inner beauty that counts the most. I used to wear makeup around my boyfriend all the time, but I recently learned that he doesn't care whether I do or not since he loves me unconditionally. He thinks that I look good both ways. He tells me that he likes me, like Drake says, "Sweatpants, hair tie, chillin' with no makeup on." So the fact of the matter is that without makeup, we are able to see one another as their true self.

I have to disagree with the second quote simply because I still have my opinions and I honestly think that the girls still have it harder in the current society that we are in. The only things that guys have to worry about, in my opinion, is the fear of either rejection or being dumped at the end, leaving them heartbroken. I'm not saying that guys do not get hurt in certain relationship and that girls are the only victims, but I have seen more girls end their relationship with a broken heart than many guys I know.

The only way that the different genders were to be able to understand what the others go through is to switch positions.

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