Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Quickwrite- Animal Farm and Egypt

The main similarities between Animal Farm and Tunisia and Egypt were that both of the revolutions lead up to something bad. Even though the revolution was meant for a good cause they had they both led up to something unreasonable. In Animal Farm, we know how it ended and it was not a good ending how the rest of the animals could not recognize the difference between a human and a pig. They both did so much bad things to the animals that after they had the revolution it was like if they had it for no reason.

In Tunisia and Egypt, we do not know the ending of it yet but so far it has had its negative effects. For example how people were willing to burn themselves to death to be able to show what they think of their government and starting up riots that show they hate their leader in Egypt. Also how people were ending up sleeping on the wheels of a tank so the tanks would not be able to move an inch with out killing them. People in this revolution are willing to give up their lives and some all ready did a hope to God no one else would die do to the fact of the revolution.

So over all the fact that both revolutions in Animal Farm and Tunisia and Egypt had their bad effects. This is something that both of this revolution has in common.

Another thing that this two revolution have in common is that they both trying to over throw their leaders. In Animal Farm the animals wanted to overthrow the humans, Mr. Jones, who basically ruled them and had made the decisions of the animals. So basically, the humans control the animal’s faith. While in Egypt they also wanted to overthrow their leader. In this case it was the government and their leader. They were tired of him not doing anything about the economy of their country and did nothing to help them get better jobs. He did the opposite and took their jobs away. The people were getting tired of not seen a change so the decided to make their own change and the first step to this was to overthrow their governor.

These are some similarities that both the Animal Farm revolution and Tunisia and Egypt revolutions had in common.

1 comment:

  1. Great piece!! For this sentence be careful for the tense. You wrote, "The main similarities between Animal Farm and Tunisia and Egypt were that both...". Were should be are because it you are not saying that there are similarities in the past and now they are no longer similar.
