Tuesday, May 24, 2011

College App!

Describe the world you come from — for example, your family, community or school — and tell us how your world has shaped your dreams and aspirations.
I come from a world in which I have learned that I either have to depend solely on myself or on my family for moral support. From a young age, I learned that it is hard to trust many people in your life. People are never how they seem to be and situations change most of us.
Through tough times, my family is the best thing that I have in this world. Without them, I would not be the person that I am today. They are the people who fulfill the entirety of my life.  
My mother and my father both inspire and motivate me to do my best. Both of my parents have always wanted me to do the best in anything I do. They both have set very high expectations for me just like any parent would for their children. Although my parents are divorced, they still never fail to make me and my sister feel loved and supported. They are both the rock in my life. Without them, I would have been lost for a long period of my time, but throughout the years, my parents have taught me that I have to be strong and independent in order to get very far in life. In order for my life to turn out successful, my family has taught me that you must believe in yourself before anyone else. I learned to trust myself to go far and I have learned to fight for myself in any situation.
I am as strong as both of my parents. They have toughed out many situations in their lives and so have I. Most kids cringe to think that they will someday turn out to be like their parents, but I honestly do not mind having the same characteristics as my parents because I have learned to be a warrior.

It is strange to say, but my sister motivates me each and every day. It sounds crazy that an eleven year old girl is my motivation in life, but it is true. Emily motivates me to do my best in school. I want to be successful not only for myself, my mom and my dad, but also for her. I want her to be able to see me in less than 2 years graduating from high school and going on to college. She would know that I have a very successful life and that I already have goals set for myself. I want her to be proud of her older sister and hopefully, she will follow in my footsteps one day.
I have been very successful in making my sister proud of me. She sees how hard it is to be in high school especially at the rigorous high school I attend, ASTI and she is already taking initiative to be just like me in the future. She wants to be able to have good grades in high school as I am doing at the moment. Already, she has a 4.0 grade average in 6th grade and she wants to go in to the medical field such as myself.  I am happy to see that I inspire my little sister when truly, she is my inspiration.  
When I was 8 years old though, my little sister almost died. If she wouldn’t have made it in to that surgery room in time, I would not have a little sister right now. Before, I used to fight with my little sister even though she was only 3 years old. Even now when I argue with her, I think back to the time where I could have lost her and I begin to apologize. Her near death experience made me appreciate the fact that I have a younger sister. For that reason, she is also my inspiration. I want to make her proud. I want to be that role model older sister. I wish that one day she would be proud to say that I am her older sister.

Tell us about a personal quality, talent, accomplishment, contribution or experience that is important to you. What about this quality or accomplishment makes you proud and how does it relate to the person you are?

My parent’s divorce from when I was 9 years old completely changed me as a person. Due to this, I had to move to a different environment from what I was used to and it taught me how to love both parents even more. Their divorce made me a stronger person because I had gotten used to establishing myself for 9 years in one place, then I had it completely change in such a short period of time. Divorce taught me that through horrible circumstances, I can still rise to the top. My education has always been my number one priority and even when times were tough, my grades never dropped.  
My ethnicity inspires me. I am Mexican and Salvadorian; I am Latina and I am proud. Throughout my life, I have seen the dark sides of racism. It has been around me ever since I was little. Although I grew up in a community where it is primarily Latino, I see that even the same kind of race do not believe in each other. My culture is beautiful, but others out there stereotype us and try to keep us down.  I want to beat that stereotype that Latinos cannot get far in life because we can. My inspiration is to my culture because I want a better future in order to prove people wrong. My family has a history of not being able to go on to college because of their poor grades and the lack of tuition money, but I know that I can beat the odds and turn out successful.

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