Monday, October 11, 2010

REflectin to Night

Although I think the book Night is really sad and there is a lot of wrong things going on I think that is a really good book. It informs me a lot about how life was in the labor camps. This book keeps me engage because it is never boring there is something going on in every page.

I think this story is really sad. The fact that they are burning babies is wrong. I do not see how a person could had done such a thing. I think that the people ere really wrong because they really do not have a reason to do this to the Jews. They are only doing this to make them suffer and just make their life miserable.

I think that the Jews should just stay together because if one of them die I think that it can cause the life of many other people. For example when they were in the bus they told them that there were 80 people in the boat and if one of them went missing they will had killed everyone in there. So I think that if the Jews stay together and have hope they would make it alive.

In the beginning of the book it seem that religion was going to be a big part of the book because he was really religious. He had a lot of faith in god, he would like to learn about him, but as the story went on it seem that he lost faith of god. He kept wondering why would he let all this happened to them. I and is true if they day god is all about protecting a person why would he let such thing happened to someone. He should had prevent this from happening, I believe that no person deserves what is happening to them to happened to them.

So overall I really enjoy reading this book because although is a book it is actually informing me about new things I did not know. It is teaching me they life about the people in a labor camp.

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