Friday, October 29, 2010

Reflective Essay xD

Throughout the entire process of my blogposting in the first quarter, I have been writing about anything that seems to come to me out of nowhere. When it comes to responding to other people’s blogs, the ideas all seem to flow right onto my computer screen. Writing is something that just comes natural for me and for that reason, I pull ideas either from different people or from anything out in the open. My inspiration for writing all followed up to some of my best work of all.

I feel as if when someone throws a topic at me and they just give me a couple of minutes to process it, I can come up with a response that comes natural to me. I have a lot of inspiration when it comes to my writing, and that all emerges from just simply getting the chance to read another persons blog. When I see other people’s ideas on a topic, I am able to either agree with them or disagree with them, but that all helps in the process of me being able to come up with an idea of my own. It fascinates me to read the thoughts of others and from that forming a new topic just based off of what they had previously said. I’m not stealing others ideas on their topics; I just basically group all of others’ ideas to come up with a way that helps me comprehend what they are writing in order to help myself come up with a similar topic.  For example, when I was responding to John's blog aboput swagga style, I was able to understand what it was that he was writing about and from that, I agreed with him on his thoughts while also having the capability of expressing my own thoughts,
“I agree with John’s final statement because I feel as if people don't have the right to judge the way you dress. In my opinion, a person can be who they want to be and they have the right to that. Just as people are entitled to their own opinion, then they are also allowed to dress the way they want without having to worry what others will say about them.”
Although reading other people’s blogs does feed to my inspiration, it does not only come from them. My inspiration to my writing has so many ranges and I do not think there is ever any possible way that I will not be able to write about a topic because I keep an open eye for everything. Inspiration for everyone comes from all angles. That seems to work for me since I get inspired easily from anything and everything.

My favorite blog post has to be my response to Ianna's Kissing Blog. I think the reason behind why I liked it so much was the fact that I got to express how I felt and I got to show what I thought about the subject that was at hand. The whole situation about her post was that she was basically asking the question of why people think that kissing is such a bad thing to do. Along the way, she began to mention how the topic of sex also comes up with this process. Throughout her entire blog, she mainly stated her response to her own question and asked if anyone had any thoughts on that. Just by reading through this, it inspired me to write about it since it kind of is a controversial topic to most and it was a very interesting fact to talk about in my own words rather than Ianna’s.

“To respond to this blog, I guess I have to say that people view kissing as such a big deal because of the times we are currently in. to better explain myself, back in the day, everything used to be old-fashioned and kissing was something that took a big step as it proceeded gradually. Nowadays, people especially the young; tend to express how they love each other in public. They usually will be in a public place and just start making out with nobody caring. To some this might seem wrong because they are still caught up in the old days…For me personally; I think it is just wrong for random people to care so much about what others are doing. If kids are kissing in public, then so be it. That is nobody’s business and they should just let it go. When it comes to sex, then that also doesn’t matter because it is happening behind closed doors. That is nobody’s business but the two people who are involved.”

The true meaning behind my response was to show how I honestly felt about the subject. I wrote about how I feel as if others frown upon the decisions that are not made by hem and that causes people to be judgmental. I truly wanted to show how I viewed the topic and to show that I thought that whatever decision is made by another person other than you is up to them and no one else. Ianna was my inspiration because I know that without her ever coming out with this topic, I would have never even thought of writing it. This falls into the way my inspiration helps me in coming up with one of my favorite blog posts.

Although I do not think that my writing process in my blogs have been bad, I still feel as if there is never any room for improvement. I stated that when I write, everything can be my inspiration and that it works for me. Even if this is true, I think I can make a goal to make sure that the ideas that flow to me are ‘juicy’ enough to write about. I have ideas about blog posting coming in out of no where and I think my only downfall is that I do not always tend to write about the topics that are way to out there. My goal for the next quarter is to not be afraid to write about anything. I know that my audience is not a problem for me because I write for myself and no on else, but I do think it would be interesting if people got to read what I had to say and see my take on things. 


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