Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Reponse to John

I got this quote from John

So what i basically am trying to say is dress the way you want to dress it does not matter if that race dress like that more just do what makes you as a person happy. If that means dressing like that famous actor then dress like him in order to feel accepted.
Well in this blog, John was responding to Aleah's blog about swagg-style. Throughout it all, he was basically stating that he did not understand what Aleah meant when she was talking about "race dressing". in the end of it all, John stated that it does not matter what the color of your skin is, or what race you are, as long as you are happy, it does not even matter what others think. I agree with what he is trying to state because it is true and there are many ambiguous answers to this statement. if a black person wants to dress like a white person or if a white person wants to dress like a black person, then that's on them. It really does not matter what other people think about you.  

I agree with  John's final statement because I feel as if people don't have the right to judge the way you dress. In my opinion, a person can be who they want to be and they have the right to that. Just as people are entitled to their own opinion, then they are also allowed to dress the way they want without having to worry what others will say about them. 

With many different styles emerging on to the scene, we feel as if we must follow them all at once. John states that you should be happy the way you dress and that if you want to dress up like someone who is famous then so be it. Personally, I look up to the famous people and try to i guess 'mimic' their style. If i am happy the way I dress then i really don't care what others think. As long as my outfit looks bomb, then I'm good with how I look. Whatever you do should make you happy and if you want to dress up like someone or be someone new one day, then go ahead and do it so you can be content with yourself.

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