Tuesday, September 14, 2010

A Definiton of College Readiness

           To me, 'college ready' means that a person is properly prepared to take on the challenges that come with the college life. Being college ready means that they are skilled enough to take on the classes that they are required to take. When a person has what it take to be able to complete a full four years at a college, then that is when they are 'college ready'.
          Some of the college readiness characteristics that I feel represent some of my strengths is the intellectual growth, reading and writing skills, ability to accept critical feedback and the ability to study independently or with a group. I think that within the first year of high school, I have grown a lot, so I know that in the next three years, I can grow so much more. I have a really good reading average and I am able to complete an essay and turn out with a good grade. When I get feedback from a teacher or even from a student, I take advantage of that and make my work better than the last. Finally, I study really well on my own and I do not rely on others to complete my assignments. At the same time, when it comes to a group study, I am able to learn a lot from the people that I am studying with.
             The college readiness characteristics that I need to work on over the course of the next few years is the mathematics, understanding the experts, interaction with faculty and staff and understanding the values of college. Even though I am in an advanced math class, I feel like I need to work harder to make the grade. I need to better understand the view of the expert and in their area of thinking. The more a student gets to interact with the faculty and staff, the better the chance to interact with a variety of people. I do understand that college is hard work and that there are a lot of values to it, but I need to learn beyond that in order to make a difference.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. My ChingChong~~~~
