Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Essay Of Q

Q resembles a person who is completely different from the rest, resulting in a state of confusion, in wicth he no longer knows what his true identity really is

Q is different, he is a dinosaur mixed in with a breed known as, “The new one.” He falls in with them in some circumstances, but to them, he is just beyond different. While staing with the new one, Q wants to feel as if he is one of them regardless of his true identity. “The ugly one; because I was different from the, For no other reason,”(99). Towards the beginning of Q's journey with the new ones, he is not accepted due to his obvious differences. The new one had given Q this tittle “The Ugly One” and it stuck on to him. He begins to think that because he holds on to that name, that it would be his identity. What he does not know it is just the way he is seen to others. The Ugly One has nothing to do with Q's actual character because he does not know who he is.

Q does not know whether or not he is the definition of a dinosaur that the new one things they are, or if he is an individual. He does not Know the category in wicth he falls into due to the fact that he never reveals it openly about who he is, “But the dinosaur imaged was too different from the dinosaur he was, and this thought made me even more different and timid”(101). In every corner of the world people will make speculations about others and postulate a possible identify to someone. In this case the new ones have come up with their own stories about how they believe dinosaurs are. The keyword in this quote is different. Q is unsure of who he is because the new ones make him think he is one of the dinosaurs in their stories, but he states he is different. This reveals that his identity, or whatever little bit of identity that he had, was settled thanks to the new one's stories.

In the end of Q's adventure with the new ones, he finally breaks away from them to be left in solitude. Throughout it all, Q finally came to the conclusion that he is not individual because he is lost within himself in confusion of his true life. He does leave the new ones breed; but he is still incapable of understanding the fundamental and characteristics of himself, “..and was lost in the crowd,”(112). When someone is aware of who they are, they display it with others and hold on to their individuality. With Q, he goes on to be a part of a crowd merely blending in. With new ones, the fact that he was a dinosaur never came up. Thus, he was never himself around them. After he got away, he he was just lost in the crowd. This does not show that he knows who he was because from there on out, he was just trying to be someone who he is not. Although Q goes through some meager changes throughout the course of this story, he is still left with an empty identity

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