Friday, September 17, 2010

Respond to Swagga-style

This quote was written by Aleah.I think fashion is an expression of who you are, I;m not saying every white person who wants to, try and dress black I'm not saying that. But I think styles have to fit you inside and out. Just because you may feel like your black doesn't mean you are. I'm not being racist but still.

I do not even know how to comment on this particular blog. First of all i would like to say that she does have some really good valid points, some where in between and some were bad. At the same time she sort of lost me when was talking about the inter racial fashions. She basically started that you will most likely be sagging because you are black but if you are non-white you try to dress like that.

She ask the question if inter racial fashions annoy you and it honestly does not. You get to choose what you want to dress like and that is no ones business. when she addresses the point if a black guy starts to wear skinny jeans and rock a skateboard that no one would say anything about it, she is asking why is it that no one would say anything about it, but they would to a whit guy if they sagged.

 I do have to agree with her in her final paragraph though.She says that fashion comes from who you are. She is right about it because in fashion, to me, is all about making a statement. If you want to rock a certain look, you can do that and still add your own swag to it. If a person wants to dress up weird,well that is their choice. Whatever statement they want to make with their fashion sense is up to them. No one should really care about what other think about them, the way u dress will always be up to you and there would always be someone in your life that would like the way u dress. So what I am basically trying to say is that dress how ever you want to and never let no one tell you that you cannot dress a certain way. Finally I just think that in my own opinion, fashion is whatever you choose it to be.

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